KijanaPlus For Youth Organization

Empowering and Inspiring the Boundless Potential of Youth.

Since our inception in 2020 as KijanaPlus Platform (KPP), our journey has been rooted in connecting, empowering, and transforming the lives of young individuals across Tanzania.

Who are We?

We are KijanaPlus for Youth Organization. We began as a digital bridge, uniting vibrant minds with a vision—to cultivate a generation of changemakers, individuals capable of reshaping societies and pioneering positive change in Africa starting with Tanzania. Evolving from a digital platform to an officially registered organization in August 2023 (Registration No. 00NGO/R/5682), our mission intensified.

Our Drives

Why Focus on Youths?

Youths comprise a substantial and dynamic portion of our population, constituting 68% of Tanzania’s populace. Our commitment stems from recognizing the pivotal role youth play in shaping Africa’s sustainable development.

Our Mission

To lay the holistic foundation for today's youth—instilling values, nurturing talents, and fostering responsibility.

Our Vision

Having a firm and responsible young generation with full of utilized potentials.

Our Goal

To stir up the dignity of youthfulness by promoting their rights and responsibilities accordingly.

Our Core Values: YOUTH

At KijanaPlus for Youths Organization, our core values serve as the bedrock of our mission. Embracing the vitality and potential of youth, fostering unity through teamwork, nurturing optimism, and practicing humility, we pave the way for a future where every young individual’s potential is realized

Y - Youthfulness

This marks the freshness and vitality characteristic of a young person. As an organization we authentic believe in the energy of a youth as a vigorous and vibrant one. Making a thorough investment in youths guarantees huge progress in all aspects. Due to the fact that youths occupy a large part of the national population, adequate support given to them will eventually give out the desired outcome.

O - Optimism

Youths have a great room of making multiple decisions and they can make the best of any situation. With the optimistic mindset, youths can make huge steps and reach the bars. They can create opportunities over their problems and have positive attitudes towards them. Optimism fosters better relationships and provides protection against adverse events

U - Unity

This is very essential for own stability as organization and the beneficiaries. It makes participants work together by accepting and appreciating each person and his or her contribution and having a common shared goal and a vision

T -Teamwork

Based on our Rallying call, “YOUTH FOR YOUTH”. Every youth is responsible for another youth. The progress of one youth can become a stepping stone for another youth. Having a sense of unity, makes a teamwork mindset work with excellence among youths. We believe in the ability of each youth as together we can make a move from one point to another as the satisfaction lies in the effort and not in the attainment.

H - Humility

This allows the self to grow with dignity and integrity. It gives us a room to learn more from others magnifies our strengths, to get connected with those who are related to us and greatly helps us to extend more compassion and empathy to others.

Our Focus Areas

Driving impactful change to empower youths, advocate for their rights, and foster holistic development, paving the way for a thriving generation of leaders.


Amplifying the voices of youth, addressing challenges, and embracing strengths.

Health & Gender

Fostering mental and physical well-being, breaking taboos, and creating safe spaces.

Climate change and Mitigation

Building the capacity of Tanzania to adapt to climate change impacts.

Research & Survey

Bridging data gaps to tailor interventions to the actual needs of young individuals.

Capacity Building

Equipping youth with practical skills and knowledge for personal and community development.


Collaborating with stakeholders, driven by a shared vision for impactful youth-centric initiatives.

Our Impactful Activities

At KijanaPlus, our commitment to youth empowerment extends through diverse initiatives that shape, educate, and advocate for a brighter future.

Youth Talks

A platform for open dialogue, encouraging youths to share experiences and strategize for a better tomorrow.

Mental Health Advocacy in Schools

Collaborating with Schools to raise awareness of mental health and sexual reproductive health among students.

Media Tours

Engaging with various media platforms to empower youths, foster self-awareness, and address societal issues.

Books & Therapyjars

Celebrating knowledge through impactful publications like “SONONA KAZINI”,”A MAN IN A WOMAN” and “THERAPYJAR” delve into mental health, mindset transformation, and unity.

Sober Houses Trainings

Partnering with sober houses to provide mental health advocacy and treatment, addressing challenges faced by youths in these environments to raise awareness on depression into its depth.

Our Statistics

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Media Tours
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Sober Houses
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Media invitations

Dr. Grace A Mapunda has conducted extensive media tours across more than 20 television and radio stations, podcasts, and newspapers. 

Our Partners

At KijanaPlus For Youths Organization, we believe in the power of partnerships to amplify our impact. Our dedicated partners play a crucial role in supporting and advancing our mission to empower youths and drive sustainable development. Together, we are creating positive change and building a brighter future for young people in Tanzania and beyond.

Featured in Events

Explore our diverse range of events aimed at empowering youths, fostering community engagement, and driving positive change. From workshops and seminars to community gatherings and special initiatives, there’s always something happening at KijanaPlus.

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